DeadlandsThe Black Circle Unholy Alliance. 31 MB DeadlandsThe Epitaph 01 Savage Worlds Revised. 26 MB For almost two decades Deadlands has stood tall as one of the most original settings in gaming. Its flavorful and fun alternatehistory horrorfantasyWestern mix has spawned card, miniatures, and. A third sourcebook titled The Collegium, detailing the Mad Scientist faction of the same name, was also released. Range Wars a tabletop wargame that used collectible cardboard disks instead of miniatures. As much a spinoff from Doomtown as Deadlands, it used many of the same factions. Shane Hensley is raising funds for Deadlands: Good Intentions on Gomorra's Collegium into a Edition softcover and PDF, Deadlands Reloaded Marshal's. Its usefulness is directly tied to how much Mad Scientists you have in game. The Collegium is about another group of madscientists that are more academic and less business oriented and tie into Doomtown. I actually liked that book more then Smith and Robards, and it also has revised rules for steampunk cyborgs (originaly introduced in City of Gloom). Obsidian Portal allows you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games. Better manage your group and your campaign, and have a better game. The Collegium has 15 ratings and 0 reviews. Deadlands: The Weird West, Pinnacle's awardwinning game of supernatural horror in the Old West continues to. Deadlands Information about Deadlands Marshal Law. Hottest Deadlands, PDF Newest Titles This sourcebook contains the history of the Collegium, located in everybody's favorite Maze boomtown, Gomorra. Deadlands Classic: The Collegium This sourcebook contains the history of the Collegium, located in everybody's favorite Maze boomtown, Gomorra. It also d Review of The Collegium. The Collegium, While this information has been tailored to the Deadlands setting, the Collegium makes an excellent thinktank for. Home Deadlands Classic Deadlands Classic Bundle PREORDER. Deadlands Classic: Law Dogs PDF Deadlands Classic: The Collegium (PDF). List of Deadlands: The Weird West publications Information for setting adventures in the Distinguished Collegium of Interspatial (2012; PDF) GURPS Deadlands This sourcebook contains the history of the Collegium, located in everybody's favorite Maze boomtown, Gomorra. It also details many of the important members of the. The Collegium Deadlands The Weird West Pinnacle s award winning game of supernatural horror in the Old West continues to roll along In new products allow players to. pdf 62 KB; Deadlands Hexarcana. pdf 2, 892 KB; Deadlands Hucksters and Hexes. 95, you get all four titles in our core collection (retail value 30) as DRMfree, nonwatermarked. PDF ebooks: Weird West Player's Guide (retail price 7. 50): The core book for players, with the original 1996 rules and setting that started it all. [Note: There are Deadlands versions for the D20 System, GURPS, and Savage Worlds. Book information and reviews for Collegium: Perils Of The New Science by world of Deadlands. This massive 25page PDF contains landscape Game Master's screen inserts for all three Deadlands Classic lines! Deadlands Classic: The Collegium. Deadlands Reloaded: Sawed 'em In Gomorra Years ago, a sudden explosion turned Gomorras Collegium into a smoking crater. Only Professor Perriwinkle escape