May 28, 2009USB to Serial problem. My HL340 USBSerial adapter now works using the CH341 drivers. HL340 drivers for Vista 64 HL340 drivers. 19, buy HL340 USB to RS232 Serial Port Adapter Cable Green Silver (80cm) from DealExtreme with free shipping now. Aug 09, 2007I purchased this cable on ebay and want to use it on an IBM thinkpad T22 laptop. The cable's marked HL340 and is a usb to serial cable but I cannot find drivers. Find great deals on eBay for hl340 and usb serial. Find great deals on eBay for usb to serial adapter hl340. Venha e faa o download de drivers para adaptador usb serial hl 340 absolutamente de graa. Download direto via HTTP disponvel. The HL340 USB to Serial Adapter. If your USB to Serial adapter says HL340 or 340 on it as shown below, Prolific USBtoSerial Comm Port DriverZone. zip: Description: USBSERIAL CH34x: File Size: 69. 8 kiB Please post all driver requests on the messageboard. Download the latest drivers for your USBSERIAL CH340 to keep your Computer uptodate. Other Companies HL340 usb to serial adapter Free Driver Download for Windows XP, 2000, ME, 98SE, 98 hl340driver. World's most popular driver download site. Jul 01, 2008Here's the link that was vista compatible for my USBserial HL340 card reader drivers, and the ch34rser. zip installs but the driver is not recognised when. Jul 11, 2015Hello guys, i just hav a problem with this HL 340 usb 2 serial converter drivers for windows 7 32 bit. Download latest version of verified working Windows 8. 1 x64 x86 driver for CH340, CH340G USB to Serial CH340 Windows 8 driver CH341SER. Jun 19, 2012Hi guysI purchased a HL USB RS232 (serial to USB adapter) and the drivers that came with it are not being detected by windows vista or xp. Would anyone happen t USB to Serial converter HL340: download 32 and 64 bit windows drivers (PIDVID 4348: 5523) Due to some reasons I had to run Windows XP on Virtualbox. USB SERIAL CH340 Drivers Download. USB Driver File HL340 usb to serial adapter Driver cd with device does not contain a driver. Feb 04, 2011akhirnya setelah pencarian yang hampir putus asa nemu juga driver usb to serial HL340 buat windows 7 64 bit yang bisa diambil di: HL340 usb to serial. Sep 03, 2015Driver e Tutorial de Instalao do Conversor Usb Serial RS232 HL340 ( ch341 ) Windows 7 64 e 32 Bits. USB to serial drivers for most serial RS232 devices. Download drivers for most types of USB to serial adapters and converters Drivers List: Download Zoom 56K USB Faxmodem 2985L2986L2987L Driver Windows 2000 USB Faxmodem 2985L2986L2987L Driver