Click here to download the full Mass Effect 3 PS3 Manual; Medigel is only necessary to revive your fallen comrades at a distance. If you can get close to your downed. Gunsmith Trophy in Mass Effect 3: Upgrade any weapon to level 10. Find guides to this trophy here. Mar 08, 2012Defeat a harvester [Bronze 10G One of the first chances to encounter a harvester is during the 'Extract Turian Survivors' mission (Galaxy: Krogan DMZ. Browse and Read Mass Effect 3 Trophy Guide Mass Effect 3 Trophy Guide In this age of modern era, the use of internet must be maximized. Mar 24, 2013Achievements Trophies Mass Effect 3: These are the 50 Achievements Trophies for Mass Effect 3. Achievements for Mass Effect require at least three complete playthroughs of the game in order to Mass Effect 3 Guide; Mass Effect 3 AchievementsTrophies Edit. Mar 24, 2013Citadel DLC Achievements Trophies Mass Effect 3: 25G Priority Target Discover a plot against you. 25G High Society Go undercover to follow a lead. Full list of Mass Effect 3 trophies. The game has 69 Trophies and takes around 4050 hours to complete For Mass Effect on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 47 trophies. Mar 08, 2012Hijack an Atlas mech. [Bronze 10G Important: This cannot be done against the first Atlas Mech you encounter on Sur' Kesh! Mass Effect 3Achievements and trophies. Page; StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Mass Mass Effect 3 twice, or. Browse and Read Mass Effect 3 Trophy Guide Mass Effect 3 Trophy Guide One day, you will discover a new adventure and knowledge by spending more money. For Mass Effect on the PlayStation 3, Achievement Guide by Gamer364. Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the achievements for Mass Effect 3 in the most comprehensive achievement guide on the internet. Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the trophies for Mass Effect 3 in the most comprehensive trophy guide on the internet. Mass Effect 3 has 69 trophies that can be earned. View all the trophies here Mass Effect 3 is the final game in the trilogy. This game's Insanity difficulty is not as bad as Mass Effect 2's, but it still presents a challenge in some areas. The main purpose of this DLC is to send the Mass Effect Trilogy off with a bang. It's full of dialogue, voice recordings, and other little things that fans of the. Mass Effect Trophy Guide By justcurb Only a handful of these have significant (read: more than an email) repercussions in Mass Effect 2 and 3. Our Mass Effect 3 Achievements guide Trophies guide lists every Achievement Trophy for this Xbox 360, PS3 PC actionRPG game and tells you how to get and