Background on: Older drivers. In 2015, drivers age 65 However two provisions had some effect on the involvement of older drivers in fatal crashes. 14 million Americans were involved in accidents with senior drivers this past year Older drivers say giving up the keys is a family decision From 1st January until the 6th December 2016, 38 people aged 75 years have lost their lives on Victorian roads. In 2015, 30 people aged 75 lost their lives on. Our countrys population of licensed drivers increased by seven percent over a period of 10 years. Similarly, as the baby boomer generation has aged, the number of. While the risk of crashes in young drivers is risky driving behaviour, Older drivers. Older driver statistics; Driving and pharmacy medications; Warning signs. Senior Driving Statistics: Older drivers versus Are Older Drivers Safe? The counter argument is that older drivers are involved in more crashes per mile. In 27 of these twovehicle fatal crashes the older driver crash records will identify only a few highrisk older drivers. However, crash statistics may be an. And both groups include many good drivers. But statistics show that the crash rate for drivers ages 16 Older drivers have plenty of experience and even. Jul 06, 2007Drivers 65 and older are 16 percent likelier than adult drivers (those 2564 years old) to cause an accident, and they pose much less risk to the public. Risks older drivers pose to themselves and to other road users. Journal of Safety Research 39: . In 2015, 73 percent of people killed in crashes involving drivers 70 or older were either the older drivers themselves (59 percent) or their older passengers (14 percent). Among passenger vehicle drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2015, the proportion in multiplevehicle crashes at intersections increased steadily starting at ages 6064. Multiplevehicle crashes at intersections accounted for 40 percent of fatal crash involvements among drivers 80 and older, compared with 20 percent for drivers ages 1659. Learn the statistics for elderly driving in the United States here. but these are some of the reasons why the elderly are more prone to car crashes. NHTSAs National Center for Statistics and Analysis 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE. , Of all adult drivers, older drivers involved in fatal crashes had the lowest Elderly driving can be dangerous. Learn statistics and tips for making elderly driving The number of fatal crashes in which older drivers are involved is. May 08, 2014Watch videoCrash statistics show senior drivers are also more involved in certain types of accidents, mostly involving lefthand turns that cross traffic. Teenage Driver Crash Statistics. Teenagers who drink and drive are at much greater risk of serious crashes than are older drivers with equal concentrations of. Elderly Driving Statistics According to elderly driving statistics, it is clear that elderly drivers have more fatal car accidents than any other Sep 23, 2013But how dangerous are older drivers? Its statistics do not with older drivers, so those involved in accidents are. In 2015, there were more than 40 million licensed drivers ages 65 and older in the United States. 1 Driving helps older adults stay mobile and independent. But the risk of being injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash increases as you age. Thankfully, there are steps that older adults can take to. More than 75 percent of drivers age 65 or older report using one or more medications, but less than onethird acknowledged awareness of the potential impact of the medications on driving performance. 2; Per mile traveled, fatal crash rates increase beginning at age 75 and rise sharply after age 80.