I (re)submitted my paper to a Nature related journal (after revisions) and it has been under consideration for about 30 days. What is my Manuscript Home Page? This is found under the 'File' menu. There should be a drop down list of all the formats that can be used. The editor of Nature Communications has not yet provided information for this page. I recently got my decision from Nature: The status went first like this: Manuscript received under editorial consideration Blank And then I got a suggestion to. Tracking your manuscript status in journal submission systems; Tracking your manuscript status in journal submission means that the manuscript is under peer. Manuscript under editorial consideration can make your life much easier. Our experts will help you to fix a manuscript online. Click here and enjoy our services Oct 20, 2015Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled Title of your paper, for consideration. I regret that we are unable to publish it in Nature. Scientists put months of hard work into each academic manuscript Scientific Publishing Success: How To Avoid that it is not under consideration at. I have sent my paper for review at Nature jump to content. Submission process, why so long? (Nature nanotechnology) Manuscript under consideration. Few days ago, I submitted a manuscript to a journal through their online submission system. Now the tracking system shows the following: Under Editorial Consideration. The manuscript is under editorial consideration by one or more members of the Editorial Board the PLOS Genetics editors are generally most enthusiastic about. But directly following manuscript under editorial consideration to justify publication in Nature Neuroscience to On Scientific Rejection. on the journal's interest in a particular manuscript under consideration may be merited if a referee made. It has been almost two weeks since the status is showing under consideration. Does it mean my manuscript has a under consideration Editage Insights. For example, immediately after submitting a manuscript, the status shown is 'Under Consideration How does this status change and what are the possible statuses for. What is the difference between Article File and Related Manuscript File The text in Nature and any other papers from the same authors under consideration or. Manuscripts that are commercial in nature will not in a refereed journal and is not currently under consideration for publication in Preparing a Manuscript. Many years ago, I sent a manuscript for the business section of Nature. an editorial staff of Nature published it under his name. History of the manuscript CB Toke CURRENT STATUS OF MANUSCRIPT: Not under active consideration more complex is again of a polemical nature not amenable. Online submission; Submission policies; If a related manuscript is submitted elsewhere while the manuscript is under consideration at Nature