Sep 07, 2012I bought a Sony PS3 3d display, with intent to primarily use it for a 3d monitor. It works fine on the PS3 in 3d. I can get it to work in only a few Experience SimulView Technology that delivers 2 different full HD screen images from single display brilliant PlayStation 3D Display that features a 24 inch. Jan 17, D looks awesome and playstation works Getting playstation monitor to go above 60hz. It also depends on if your GPU or drivers even support that amount of. Explore PS3 accessories, dualshock 3 controller, wireless and wired headsets and much more. Learn more about exciting features of PlayStation 3 accessories. Would the new Playstation 3D display work well refit their new drivers and provide legacy 3D support for old the 3D push is also be cofunded by Sony. Be among the first to get the latest Sony news in your inbox. Select support type Drivers Software Manuals. Nov 13, 2011Sony; Sony PlayStation 3D Display review. The PlayStation 3D Display doesn't seem to have a so long as you've got some PC drivers or a native. Feb 17, DTV Play Playstation 3D Display 24 have the NVIDIA Display Drivers detect the PS 3D Display as a 3D. Playstation 3D 24 GTX 650 Ti BOOST TriDef 3D. nVidia 6 Series on the Sony Playstation 3D display, using the drivers that work with that 3D hack you. May 24, 2014Sony Playstation 3D Display CECHZED1U Blinking Red Light fix repair (Real) alejandrovquiroga1. May 22, 2012RedFlagDeals for iOS and Android makes it NVIDIA 3DTV PLAY Mod for SONY PlayStation 3D Display. then it should work if you update the driver for the display. View full Sony PlayStation 3D display specs on CNET. Nov 28, DTV Play Playstation 3D Display 24 Support? Have the Sony Playstation 3D Display Seems like a lot of folk have lost 3D function in newer drivers. sony playstation 3d display free download Playstation 3 Tech Spec Wallpaper, Sony Connect (SonicStage), PlayStation Vue, and many more programs Enter a new dimension of gaming with true PlayStation 3D. Compatible with Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, a PlayStation 3D Display. sony computer entertainment announces 3d display to further expand the world of 3d on playstation3, hitting worldwide market in fall 2011 display features a special. Buy Refurbished: Sony PlayStation 24 3D 1080p 240Hz Widescreen LED LCD 3in1 Monitor wSimulView Technology, Stereo SpeakersSubwoofer with fast shipping. Help I need advice wether to Keep this Sony PS3 3D Display monitor or return Has sony developed a real fix for thr ps3 3d PlayStation Support have. May 06, 2013What do you guys think of the Sony PS3 3d display as a 3D PC latest beta drivers. Also all of the 3D options were grayed the Playstation 3d Display is. Aug 30, 2012Hello, I am interested in buying a Sony PlayStation 3D display for use as a computer monitor and was wondering if it would be able to run games in 3d from my PC? I