. May 12, 2012Hello everybody, I know nothing of macros for Excel. Need of a model that does the following: Connect to the serial port. Example on how to use the serial port to communicate with visual basic for applications, Visual Basic for Applications Serial Port Software Example. What is the best way to access a serial port from VBA? I have a need for some of our sales reps to be able to send a simple string over the serial port from an action. Sep 17, 2014For all general questions relating to Excel but not including VBA or formulas. Sample files for VBA instrument communication The two macroenabled Excel files linked here give examples of Communication through the serial port. Apr 04, 2006VBA is quite new to me and I have tried to follow the tread Excel Com port help in getting me started with serial port communication in ExcelVBA. Step 1: Download and install the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component. Download the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component from the ActiveXperts Download Site and start the installation. The installation guides you through the installation process. Step 2: Create a new Excel document. Create the form displayed in the image below. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit: subreddit find submissions in subreddit author: username find submissions by username Case EVTDISCONNECT MsgBox Disconnected 'This event is reported when USB serial port adapter is disconnected from PC. Case EVTCONNECT 'Do something if connected to serial port MsgBox Connected 'or reconnected to RS232RS485 adapter just attached to USB bus. Would like to create a macro to capture a snap shot of streaming data from a com port insert data to a cell in excel from com or serial port closes excel like. I need to create a button in Excel to read data in from serial port. I can't have any extra files attached to the excel sheet. I need to transfer this excel file to. Sep 17, 2014Re: VBA RS232 Class Yes it works fine with usb to serial converters. You can put the received data anywhere you like. I've used it several times to read serial data and displaygraph on a. Jun 13, 2016To send data command from Excel to your device use this VBA Excel source code: ChannelNumber DDEInitiate(BPEXCEL, BPEXCEL) DDEExecute ChannelNumber, TXSERIAL[Hello Word! ASCII: 13 DDETerminate ChannelNumber; Replace the command Hello Word! ASCII: 13 by the command you want. I'm having trouble getting code to read the incoming data send by a torque reader I'm working with. It sends a RS232 data stream which our current wed The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how you can perform serial port communication in the VBA (Visual Basic Applications script editor included Nov 20, 2017Hello, Thanks for looking here. Have been for VBA code to read serial port to excel for the past 3 weeks. Tried so many things that do not work in excel 2016. Four methods to send data from RS232 to Excel Advanced Serial Data RS232 to Excel. Four methods to send data from from RS232 in Excel with help of VBA. Aug 05, 1998I am attempting to communicate with a serial device over the com1 port in Excel using VBA. How can I access the port, send and receive ASCII codes using VBA. I'm looking for a way to communicate through the serial port while in Excel. I used to use Excel 2003, and had MSComm objects setup to work within my code.