Take this quiz to find out whether your actions are passive, assertive, or aggressive. Nonassertive people may be passive or aggressive. Explanation of answers to the Assertiveness Quiz: 1. The assertive person is not afraid to say no. Mind Matters someone who quiz on page 3. aggressive, assertive, and passiveaggressive. However, it is sometimes difficult According to your answers to the quiz questions, you appear to have a passive aggressive style of relating to others, which means that you may not create open conflict with others, but you tend to step on other people's toes in nonobvious ways in order to get what you want or to get back at those you feel have wronged you. Have you ever wondered what your communication style is when you interact with others? There are four types: passive, aggressive, passiveaggressive, and assertive. I made this quiz because I'm actually passive, I want to see what people are mainly. When you get teased, what do you do? Aggressive people have a reason for being the way they are. As do Assertive people and Passive people. You are who your are because of the the environment you were. The impact of a pattern of passive aggressive communication is that these ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals clearly state their. Start studying Assertive, Passive, and Aggressive Communication. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. In order to gauge your knowledge of and assertiveness, look through the worksheet and quiz. You have the option of studying at other times. Assertive people try to choose the most appropriate behaviour for the situation. These people have control over their behaviour and have respect for themselves and others. Read Book Online: Communication Styles Quiz Passive Aggressive Assertive Download or read online ebook communication styles quiz passive aggressive assertive in any. When you do, Mostly Bs: Your Primary Communication Style is Passive Aggressive See whether you are passive, aggressive or assertive in just threeminutes with our free, anonymous test and download your own personalised report How PassiveAggressive Are You? No, don't bother to take this quiz, it's fine. Start studying Passive, Assertive, Aggressive. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Aggressive or Assertive or a Soft Touch? The way you behave influences your relationships with all around you. Do you think you are a soft touch, or maybe that you. technique that is used the assertive style. Quiz from the related lesson on assertive communication skills Take this quiz! A friend tells you to steal a diamond ring from the store for them. These are: a) Passive, b) Aggressive, and c) Assertive. a) The Passive style of interpersonal behavior is characterized by inaction. People utilizing this style tend to be easy to get along with and pleasant, but unwilling to stand up for their rights, for fear of offending others.