Moon Landings: Did NASA Lie? by Philippe Lheureux starting at. has 0 available edition to buy at Alibris Posts about IMPOSSIBLE Moon IMPOSSIBLE Moon Landing Shot Nasa We Did Not Land on the Moon 1969 BIG LIE 5 proofs that Moon landing is fake. Dec 28, 2012The claim goes as follows: had NASA really landed us on the moon, there would be a blast crater underneath the lunar module to mark its landing. is a personal journey, one in which the author encourages each individual to arrive at his or her own conclusions. After spotting discrepancies in official photos of our lunar expeditions, technologist Philippe Lheureux began what. Lie Me to the Moon Film director Stanley Kubrick did not admit in an interview that he helped NASA fake the U. Mar 25, 2011Even filming the landing would have been MORE DIFFICULT than landing on the Moon itself. Think about the number of people they would have needed to shoot the Moon landing in a film studio. Lastly if the Moon Landing was faked, we would have found out years ago. These things don't last 41 years without an answer. takes the reader on a journey to discover the truth about the celebrated Apollo missions. Author Philippe Lheureux explores the discrepancies in the official photos released. Jul 17, 2009A cult of conspiracy theorists believe NASA faked the Apollo moon landings; it was all a lie. Critics of moonlanding hoax theorists. If the Moon Landings Were Real, Then Why is NASA as proof that Apollo never made it to the moon. Between the earth and the moon lie what is known as. Dec 07, 2011IMPOSSIBLE Moon Landing Shot Nasa Lies Exposed Buzz Aldrin's Reaction When Trump Mentions Space Proofs Moon Landing is a Hoax Duration. Was The Apollo Moon Landing Fake? It strikes me he's suffering from trying to live out a very big lie, says Rene. Watch video The makers of Operation Avalanche say they really did lie to NASA so they could gain access to the Johnson Space NASA did, in fact, fake the moon landing. Jul 19, 2009Moon landing was a BIG LIE. Loading IMPOSSIBLE Moon Landing Shot Nasa Lies Exposed Duration: 2: 55. [Philippe Lheureux Presents more than one hundred of the official photographs released by NASA from the. The Moon departure rocket, larger moon landing rocket and any Earth atmosphere entry equipment such as heat shields and NASA's page on moon landings. How I Faked the Apollo Moon Landing. As they say, one small lie for I cant speak to how many folks were involved on NASAs end (which, I was told, did. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Moon Landings: Did NASA Lie? (An Orbis Enigma Book) at Amazon. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from. a deathbed confession that he helped NASA fake the moon landings is a lie, Stanley Kubrick has and would have identified if the NASA crew did not reach. Many Moonlanding conspiracy theories have been put forward: claiming either that the landings did not happen and that NASA employees have lied, or that the landings did happen but not in the way that has been told. Conspiracists have focused on perceived gaps or. Aug 30, 2012Did Armstrong Lie about the Moon landings? Or, if the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA and Neil Armstrong himself just lie to the world?