Grade 12 College Short Story Questions What do you believe is the main theme of this story? Valgardson The main theme in this story is that our past helps us to make decisions about our future. In The short story, A Matter of Balance, shows Harold with a very distinct personality. The character is quite rational under stress, uses his experience well, and is quite cautious. The author painted the character well and the traits are fairly clear. A Matter of Balance Themes With Naman Past trauma Future dilemmas In this short story, author used the settings to set off what is going on next. I do not think his actions are justified because it does not matter story that is A matter of balance is really Matter of Balance, Bia short story. A Matter of Balance Plot Graph Climax Conclusion Introduction Trigger Incident Rising Action Falling Action Theme Help never comes when it is most needed Character. InClass Essay A Matter of Balance. Logan S People will find an opportunity to seek revenge. Revenge is not a healthy thing. It can cause more problems than what. Valgardson short story is A Matter of Balance. Many of his stories deal with this theme. Along with some excellent short stories. Valgardson short story is A Matter of Balance. Many of his stories deal with this theme. Along with some excellent short stories. Identities ContrastTheme In the short story Identities by W. D Valgardson, the author used contrast to compare settings, and to create suspense. There are several short stories with the theme of freedom. Some of them include Pillars of the Earth, Colorless Tiger, and The Good Pirate. The story A Matter of Balance by W. Valgardson is about a man named Harold who fears he is being followed by two dangerous looking bikers. He sees these bikers in a similar way as he saw his bullies in his youth, a trauma that is juxtaposed with the passing of his wife. Get an answer for 'How does one write a comparisoncontrast essay to show of in A Matter of Balance the short story House Taken Over, and what theme. The story A Matter of Balance by W. Valgardson is about a man named Harold who fears he is being followed by two dangerous looking bikers. He sees these bikers in a similar way as he saw his bullies in his youth, a trauma that is juxtaposed with the passing of his wife. Short Stories; Three Day Road; mood and action of a story. Read by A Matter of Balance by W. Valgardson, What is the theme of the story. Sep 07, 2011Title of A matter of balance shows how much a persons experiences and past memories can affect someones decision, judgments, and attitude. In the story Harold is a victim of several tragedies that happened in his life, including being bullied in. Short Stories Do you read them The climax in a short story usually comes at or near the end. Read A Matter of Balance together and discuss A MATTER OF BALANCE (Short Story By W. D the tittle for this story that A Matter Of Balance is very appropriate with the each part of Travel theme. A Matter of Balance is a program designed to reduce the fear of Sandy's Story Sandy shares how the Matter of Balance program helped her regain her ability to. May 20, 2013a matter of balance by w. d The events or details in the story are releaved through flashback are when the bikers reminded him of kids from. How can the answer be improved. A Matter Of Balance is a short story written by W. In this short story the protagonist Harold is an interesting character with a stressful and brutal past. His wife was brutally murdered with six of her fingernails broken.