Find great deals for Robert Cade: Gatorade Inventor by Joanne Mattern (Hardback, 2011). The Cade Museum for Innovation and Invention is named for Dr. James Robert Cade, a professor of renal (kidney) medicine at the University of Florida and the lead inventor of the sports drink Gatorade. Robert Cade, 80, a University of Florida doctor who was the chief inventor of Gatorade, the nutrientrich beverage that spawned the sports drinks industry, died Nov. 27 of kidney and heart ailments at Shands hospital at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Fla. disease specialist Robert Cade about why players lost Cade for enough Gatorade to keep all players Cade, the inventor, is an awardwinning. The NOOK Book (eBook) of the Robert Cade: Gatorade Inventor (PagePerfect NOOK Book) by Joanne Mattern at Barnes Noble. Robert Cade has 11 ratings and 2 reviews. Treasure said: From the series Food Dudes by Checkerboard Biography Library, this book follows the life of scie Hugh Hefner Patrick O'Neal Dr. Robert Cade, who invented the sports drink Gatorade and launched a multibilliondollar industry that the beverage continues to dominate, died Tuesday of kidney failure. Arthur Penn A biography of Robert Cade, the inventor of Gatorade, and his position as a professor of medicine at the University of Florida, where he also served as the football. Robert Cade, who invented the sports drink Gatorade more than 40 years ago to help the University of Florida football team stay hydrated and in turn. James Robert Cade Gatorade inventor. James Robert Cade, a nephrologist who studied physiology of exercise, came to the University of Florida College of Medicine in 1961 as an assistant professor in the renal division. Nov 28, 2007Robert Cade, Inventor of Gatorade, Dead at 80 Dr. Robert Cade, the man who invented Gatorade, has died. Cade created Gatorade at the University of Florida in 1965 as a way to both quench players' thirst and replace carbohydrates and electrolytes lost through sweating in the intense Florida heat. He succumbed to kidney failure. Robert Cade, a University of Florida professor who led the group that invented Gatorade, has died at the age of 80. Robert Cade The Cade Museum for Creativity Invention is named for Dr. James Robert Cade, a professor of renal (kidney) medicine at the University of Florida and the lead inventor of the sports drink Gatorade. Although he is most widely remembered for Gatorade, he was a man of many parts; a true Renaissance man. that the beverage continues to dominate, died Tuesday of kidney failure. Robert Cade (right) and other researchers at the University of Florida. Robert Cade drinks his favorite flavor of the sports drink during a dedication of a historic marker recognizing the birthplace of Gatorade at the University of Florida on Nov. Robert Cade, a nephrologist who mixed water, sugar, salt and cunning dashes of whatever to invent Gatorade, of which 12 million bottles are guzzled daily by electrolytedepleted athletes, postoperative patients and the simply thirsty, died yesterday in Gainesville, Fla. How can the answer be improved. James Robert Cade (September 26, 1927 November 27, 2007) was an American physician, university professor, research scientist and inventor. Greta Garbo Robert Cade: Gatorade Inventor (Food Dudes) [Joanne Mattern on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Brief biography of Robert Cade the inventor of. The Hardcover of the Robert Cade: Gatorade Inventor by Joanne Mattern at Barnes Noble. Watch videoAppears on SportsCenter, ESPN Radio, ESPN. com and with ABC News Gatorade was invented by Dr. Robert Cade and his medical fellows Dr. Dana Shires,