Nov 24, 2009I'm happy with my TestEQ doses having not used EQ before but my thinking is by keeping the Deca low i can reduce progesterone sides but should TestEQDeca cycle. Nov 06, 2010Low test and high deca, anyone tried this? My last cycle I ran 500mg of Test E per week and 500mg of Deca per week. This cycle I'm toying with the idea of running. TestEQDeca; jawofthegods end of the second week and vascularity by the third week. it definitely speeds things up. i am getting ready to run a low test e with. Thoughts So it's either TestEQ or TestEQ a low dose of Deca, i. e 250mg300mg, It wouldn't be any higher than that. Considering my first cycle in a long time and I'm concerned about MPB. I have homebrewed a shit load of gear including Test E, EQ, Deca. EQ is not all that powerful on its own, In this Equipoise cycle. Sep 05, 2012I know this high deca low test thing Is more of a hit n the states don't no why ppl here in the uk don't see the advantages you can't mention it without gtn. Mar 27, 2013Who Sees Good Results from EQ? I also ran EQ at a low dose for a couple of weeks and the aromatisation was awful Test DecaNpp. Aug 30, 2010What can I expect from TestDecaEquipoise Stack? EQDecaTest IMO is a bulking cycle. Mar 03, 2012Test, Deca and EQ week 1 Some respond to low doses always and some barely respond to high doses. TestEQ OR TestDeca for bulking. Aug 06, 2009Would it be safe to throw in EQ with a test and deca cycle? From what i read EQ cancels out the Deca Dick effect but idk if thats true. But im having a Jun 30, 2016Test The primary hormone for male characteristic development, including body hair and muscular development, made in the testes or synthetically created in a lab. Jan 09, 2016Thinking something like 250mg test and 1000mg EQ every week. Ive done low test high Test Cyp 200 Deca 150 Eq 600 1 being the low test high EQ described. Feb 23, 2012Please join this discussion about low dose testeq vs testdeca for hairloss within the Anabolic Steroids category. Low dose test cycle and hairloss. Test 500 mg weekly Eq 600mg weekly Deca 500mg weekly All for 1620 weeks I will be doing anadrol at 100mg daily for 45 weeks in the Jul 15, 2013After doing several 10 14 week average dose ( 500 750 mgw test, 600 mgw eq or deca ) cycles, I thought i would give a low dose cycle a go. EQ mgweek' Using the first blast to put on as much mass and possible and then shredding down with Tren E and EQ, possibly with EC and T3. Dec 09, 2013I ran the following: 16: dbol 50mg ed 116: eq 400mg ew 116: deca 400mg ew 118: test e 500mg ew 1520: var 20 week testdecaeq cycle results May 30, 2015EQ or deca for lean gains I'm thinking low test high eq tbol for my Is EQ best used with low bf as im a deca man myself but I am very interested in. Lahey Thu, but even with deca i have heard of people using a low dose of deca and avoiding things like deca dick