What is our reason for living a holy life? Some people want to appear holy or live holy lives because the are attempting to achieve salvation through their works. What does it mean to live a holy life? Is it even possible to live a holy life. How to Live a Holy Life Some Scriptures for Daily Practice. If we seek God earnestly in the prayer of faith to help us in our daily practice of the following. If youve never contacted us before, wed like to welcome you to the Grace to You family with a free copy of Johns book Why Believe the Bible. God has not left you alone to live the Christian life in your own strength. Christians must cooperate daily with the work of the Holy Spirt in their lives. Some people think that new Christians proceed to holy living automatically, with no help from other believers. After all, the Ethiopian eunuch was left to himself when Philip was whisked away. What, in its true sense, is a holy life? His whole manner of life was truly holy. If we would live holy we must live as he lived. HOW IN THIS WORLD CAN I LIVE HOLY? is the natural and logical result of the miracle of salvation in a persons life. People can, and do, really live holy. How to Live a Holy Catholic Life Living a holy Catholic life means putting God first in all that we do. God must be the focus of our daily existence. 1 Thessalonians 4 New Life Version (NLV) Paul Tells Them to Live Holy Lives. 4 Christian brothers, we ask you, because of the Lord Jesus, to keep on living in a way. been used throughout the history of Christendom by sincere religious folk to mislead generations on what it means to live a Christian life. Thus, to be holy people we must be focused on Christs coming and obedient in all of life. To be holy people, we must be growing in our personal knowledge of Gods holiness (1: 15, 16). Like the Holy One who called you, and You shall be holy for I am holy, imply that we know something about who this Holy God is. The Christian life is a process of growing to know God as He has revealed Himself in. Whether you're single or married, there's one thing that God wants you to do with your life. Find out what it is and how to What does the Bible say about holiness? How can I become increasingly holy throughout my Christian life? Aug 18, 2009I really needed to know, how i can live a holy and blameless life before my God. This is surely good food for my spirit. we ought to know that accepting Jesus. Walk In The Spirit To Live Holy. Walk or live by the Spirit and you will not. gratify your sinful nature (or flesh): So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. 5: 16) The sinful nature must be dealt with and put to death. Bible verses about Living Holy. to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, For Whoever desires to love life and see good. New International Version For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. New Living Translation God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. HOW TO LIVE A HOLY LIFE By Charles E. Orr Author of The Hidden Life, Christian Conduct, Helps to Holy Living, Heavenly Life Paul has reminded the believers in Thessalonica of their faithfulness in midst of some trials. Now he reminds them of what he taught them about Christian life.