n (pain) dolor m, dolor agudo y repentino; (of an insect) picadura; bee picadura de abeja; vt (pret pp stung) picar; vi doler; The numbing medication will sting a little bit. El anestsico le va a doler un poco. Scrape the area with the edge of a credit card or straight edge object to remove it. Don't pinch the stinger or use tweezers that can inject more venom. If you were stung on your arm or leg, elevate it. The Stung Battambang 1 (or Battambang 1) is a dam planned for construction on the Stung Battambang River in Cambodia. The river is a major tributary of the Tonl Sap. The jellyfish stung the swimmer. The bees will sting if you bother them. The iodine will sting for a few minutes. Best books like Stung: # 1 The Ward (The Ward, # 1)# 2 Doomed# 3 The Dollhouse Asylum# 4 Mortality (The Hitchhiker Strain, # 1)# 5 The Rules (Project Paper I liked Stung enough to read the next book in the series, and Im looking forward to it. 2 helpful votes 0 Comment Report abuse. A bee sting is a sting from a bee (honey bee, bumblebee, sweat bee, etc. The stings of most of these species can be quite painful, and are therefore keenly avoided. For ordinary bee stings that do not cause an allergic reaction, experts agree that a homemade bee sting treatment is enough. stung synonyms, stung pronunciation, stung translation, English dictionary definition of stung. Past tense and past participle of sting. As long as you are not experiencing an anaphylactic reaction after removing a stinger, time and home remedies are the best cure for a bee sting. stung (stng), stinging, stings. To pierce or wound painfully with or as if with a sharppointed structure or organ, as that of certain insects. To introduce venom by stinging. Oct 28, 2017wiki How to Treat a Bee Sting. Three Methods: Taking Immediate Steps Trying Home Remedies Using Medications Community QA. Spending time in your garden or a park is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. Of course, you may be subject to a bee sting a common but painful experience! Treating a bee sting quickly can help alleviate the discomfort. The Paperback of the Stung (Stung Series# 1) by Bethany Wiggins at Barnes Noble. May 15, 2016Stung By 83 Different Insects, Biologist Rates His Pain On A Scale Of 1 To OW! Biologist Justin Schmidt has traveled all over the world looking for. Looking for online definition of stung in the Medical Dictionary? Jul 28, 2017Which body part hurts the most when stung by a bee? he writes, is a very manageable 1. A sting on the tongue, on the other hand. Oct 07, 2017How to Treat a Bee Sting on a Cat. Cats love to hunt and play with insects. If your cat goes outside, there's a good chance it will have an encounter with a bee at. Learn about bee and wasp stings. Bees and wasps inject a poisonous venom that can lead to an allergic reaction. About 40 deaths are reported each year from insect. Jan 01, 2013Stung has 8, 231 ratings and 1, 157 reviews. Rose said: Initial reaction: I definitely have a number of constructive things to say about Stung, but in th Title: Stung (2015) 5. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML 1 win 1 nomination. See more awards Getting Started